Weight loss is a very simple process only if you understand the process of weight loss, what you need to do to lose weight and how your body works in weight loss. There are several people who complain that no matter how much they work out they fail to lose weight and that’s because you cannot lose weight by just working out.
No matter how intense your workout is you will still not be able to lose weight and that’s simply because your body weight relies only 1/4th on work out and 3/4th on diet. So, you need to shift your main focus from workout to diet and if you are among those whose taste buds crave for tasty foods every time, then dieting is very difficult for you.
But of course, the food and health industry has taken care of that too, there is a variety of meal replacement shakes available which are both healthy and tasty and also helps you in burning calories.

What is Evoshake?

It is a delicious, creamy and low-calorie shake which helps you in weight loss. This is a very yummy shake which has got a lot of choices for you too because it is available in a handful of flavours and you have a variety of choices. so that you never get bored of a single flavoured shake.
The EvoShake is a diet shake which is a perfect meal replacement shake and it is a very easy way to lose weight for those people who cannot diet. Just replace your meals with this diet shake and you are ready to lose weight fast. The best part of this supplement is that it does not have a bland taste. It is full of flavours and is so creamy that you would fall in love with the taste of these shakes.
So, dieting is no more a difficult thing to do as this supplement makes it very easy for you to stay on track without having to plan meals and struggle with the taste.
How does it work?
The Evoshake supplement is a replacement for your meals and therefore it provides you with the nutrients and energy you obtain from your meals. It is a very simple way to consume, low amounts of calories which will prevent you from the intake of unhealthy fats. Evo shake has the ingredients which make you feel fuller for a longer time and also makes sure that your metabolism is increased so that the fats that are already stored in the body are burned and it helps you to obtain energy from these burned fats. This supplement works the best in weight loss because it is an easy way to lose weight without having to struggle a lot with different diet plans.
- Acai berry: This ingredient is rich in antioxidants and fibres which works in increasing your energy and also helps in burning fats in your body. This ingredient is well known for weight loss and so it has been used in this supplement because it provides you with the energy you need from your meal and also helps in burning stored fats.
- Green coffee bean extract: This ingredient makes sure that your body burns all the fats stored and it does this by increasing metabolism. When the metabolism is increased in the body, your body will naturally burn excess amounts of fats stored which contribute to losing weight.
- Whey protein shake: When you are on your weight-loss track you need to know that you must have protein intake in your diet because without the intake of proteins it is not possible to lose weight. This supplement has whey protein shake which provides you with essential proteins and thus helps you in losing weight.
- Vitamins and minerals: As you are cutting down your meals completely and replacing them with this shake, your body needs to be provided with vitamins and minerals too. Fortified vitamins and minerals are added in this supplement so that your body is provided with all the nutrients that it requires.
- The biggest problem a person faces during weight loss is being on a diet because planning your meals, preparing them and consuming them needs a lot of effort. When you are on a diet you will surely have several cravings because the food that you take won’t satisfy your taste buds. This supplement is formulated to satisfy your taste buds and give you a break from meal planning and preparation.
- This is a very simple and delicious way to lose weight.
- It not just makes weight loss simpler but also tastier.
- It provides you with all the nutrients that your body requires.
Does EvoShake have any Side-Effects?
No, it does not have any side-effects, as it has been fortified with essential protein, nutrients and vitamins that are essential for the body to lose weight, without having dips in energy levels or other health issues.
Will it work for you?
Yes, this is a simple meal replacement shake which is meant to cut down the intake of calories in your diet so it will most definitely work for you.
- Flynn (Palmerston, New Zealand):
“Being trapped in the busy world I found it very difficult to stay on diet as planning and preparing a meal was time consuming. I sometimes because of my busy schedules used to skin meals which made it very difficult to lose weight. I replaced my meals with an evoshake and my life is much simpler now. I have lost 2 kgs in one month without even working out. I think this is a very easy way for people struggling with their diet to lose weight.”
- Holly (Tauranga, New Zealand):
“I could never be on diet and I think being a mother you have a lot of stuff to look at that you forget yourself. I gained weight and couldn’t lose it because I couldn’t follow any diet plan properly. My sister suggested me evo shake saying that it has helped her a lot in weight loss. I too started using it and I think it is a very easy way to lose weight.”
- Asher (Auckland, New Zealand):
“My weight loss journey has been a roller coaster ride until I found this supplement which made weight loss much easier because it helps you in consuming a limited amount of calories and also burns the fats stored in your body too. I lost 25 kgs in 9 months and although I reached my ideal weight I am going to take this supplement because I have fallen in love with the flavours of these shakes and I would recommend all the people who want to lose weight to opt for this supplement because it is an easy and tasty way to lose weight.”
- Anna (Christchurch, New Zealand):
“There were a lot of times I was told by the people in my life to control my diet but unfortunately I could never do that. I used to feel hungry a lot and I didn’t feel fuller even after my meals which lead to overeating. I was very disheartened because even after trying a lot I failed to control my diet. I consulted a doctor and she suggested I take this meal replacement shake and there I finally found the solution to my problem. When I started taking this shake I could feel fuller for longer and got the feeling of satiation after taking the shake. This has really helped me to lose 3 kgs in a month. I would recommend it to everyone.”
Top 5 Reasons to Try
- It is an easy way to count on your calories.
- You will have a limited calorie intake.
- It helps in burning excess fats in your body.
- It helps in making you feel fuller for a longer time.
- No more frequent and overeating.
What is the Price of EvoShake in New Zealand?
Regular Price | Discount Price | |
For 1: | $25.00 | |
For 3: | $49.00 |

*EvoShake New Zealand Shipping Note: Express Shipping facilities are available in the following cities namely, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Hamilton, Tauranga, Napier-Hastings, Dunedin, Palmerston, and Nelson. While the rest of the other cities may take additional 2-7 days extra time.
The EvoShake is a meal replacement shake which helps in weight loss and this supplement isn’t like other meal replacement shakes which are tasteless. Evoshake comes in different flavours and is very creamy to please your taste buds. Being a blend of acai berry, whey protein and green coffee bean extract this supplement helps you to lose weight, boost your energy level and also maintains your health. It works by increasing your metabolism which helps in burning excess of fats in the body. It also keeps you satiated for a long time so that you can limit your calorie intake. It is very easy to stay on your weight-loss track with this shake because you don’t have to plan your meals and make them. It provides your body with all the nutrients it requires and helps in losing weight fast.
Product | Evoshake |
What is it? | It is a meal replacement shake |
What is it for? | It helps in weight loss |
How does it work? | It increases your metabolism and burns fats in your body. It keeps you fuller for a longer time. |
Ingredients | Acai berry, green coffee beans extract and whey protein |
Why should you try this supplement? | It puts a count on your calories, burns excess of fats and increases your metabolism. |
Calories per serving | It has 222 calories per serving |
Directions to use | Add one scoop to 200 ml of skimmed milk and blend it in a mixer. |
Where to Buy EvoShake in New Zealand? | Visit EvoShake Official Website. |

Ariana is a foodie by nature but knows how to balance taste and nutrition. And so, she has developed a unique approach in coaching her clients. She feels that diet foods do not have to be boring and bland. She is planning to release her Diet Recipes’ book soon.