There are pro boxers and fighters who want to lose weight in a short period of time because their body weight may become a barrier between their victory. But burning fat in a short time is quite difficult and this difficult thing can be made easy by Instant Knockout. It helps the athletes and MMA fighters who want to lose weight fast.

What is Instant Knockout?

This is a fast weight loss supplement that is formulated using effective and powerful ingredients which helps you in losing weight faster. It is specially designed for athletes and pro boxers who want to lose weight in a short period of time.
How does it work?
Having stubborn fat can be very frustrating because cutting down such fat is very difficult too. This supplement has been formulated using ingredients that are meant for making your metabolism faster because when the metabolism of the body is increased you can burn the fat faster. You will have a proper appetite because it also has the ingredients that will keep your appetite in check because you need to have energy too.
It’s a fact that you only get impressed by a product when you get faster results. This supplement is specially formulated for fighters because when the fight is planned and the date is set they need something that works faster in weight loss and as this supplement has the ingredients which work in losing weight fast. Besides that, this supplement also makes sure that you don’t lose your muscles and it only helps you to get rid of unwanted fat.
- Green tea extract: This ingredient speeds up the metabolism and boosts the oxidation of fats. It is packed with powerful nutrients that help in cutting down the unwanted fats.
- Cayenne pepper seeds: This ingredient speeds up your metabolism in a very natural way as it contains capsaicin which is a bioactive compound and it is specifically meant for burning fats. This ingredient increases your metabolism and enhances the oxidation process.
- Glucomannan: This ingredient suppresses your appetite and reduces cravings and it works by making you feel satiated for a longer time. This is used for stopping you from overeating and excessive snacking.
- Caffeine anhydrous: This ingredient boosts your energy so that you get a boost for your workout and it has the ability to inhibit adenosine receptors and boosts your energy which helps you in working out harder.
- Vitamin B6: This ingredient boosts your energy, increases your metabolism and also increases oxidation. It helps you in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
- Vitamin B12: This increases your metabolism and trains you for harder and tougher workouts. This will give you the feeling of being fuller and makes dieting easier for you.
- GTF chromium: This is a high-quality fat burner which has an abundance of nutrients which people generally do not get through their diet. It helps in shedding fats by burning sugar and fats.
- Zinc: This supplement is very important for you if you want to get a lean and healthier body because it helps your body to process carbohydrates, proteins and fats. This is very important for you if you want to get into shape.
- Piperine: This is the extract of black pepper which helps in weight loss by turning on your metabolism and suppressing fat accumulation.
- Green coffee bean: This ingredient is beneficial to reduce sugar cravings and lowering cholesterol levels. It boosts your health and helps you in losing belly fat.
- If you are really willing to lose your stubborn fats and do not know how to do that then you must try this out because this supplement helps you in losing the stubborn fats.
- You may always think of how the professionals lose and gain weight so easily while for us it seems to be the toughest thing. This is a fat burner which helps you in losing weight so fast that weight loss will now be very easy and simple because it helps you in losing fat just like professionals. Now you can lose weight faster without worrying much about it.
- It helps you in reducing your cholesterol levels too.
- It gives you the feeling of being full without eating much.
- It gives you an instant energy rush so that you can perform harder at the gym.
Does Instant Knockout have any Side Effects?
It does not have any side-effects. At least, side effects have not been reported by its users since it is formulated with naturally derived ingredients.
Will it work for you?
Yes! It will work for you, if you are a professional athlete or boxer and is into vigorous physical training or activity then it is most likely to work wonders for you.
- HUGO (Napier-Hastings, New Zealand)
“I am an MMA fighter and I had to shed extra kilos which I thought to be very difficult. I searched for a weight loss supplement for athletes and fighters and I found this one. There were many people like me who tried this supplement and were happy with the results. I was a little hesitant but I thought of giving it a try. I started taking this supplement and to my surprise, I noticed that I was feeling fuller and had no desire to eat in just a few minutes of consuming the tablet. I understood that this is something powerful that I have found and continued using this with a strict diet and workout. I found results in a few days and I was finally able to reach my target weight.”
- MATHEW (Christchurch, New Zealand)
“I am not an athlete or an MMA fighter but one of my friends suggested this supplement for faster weight loss. I ordered the supplement because the price was also not too high. To be honest I was not expecting much from this supplement but I found impressive results in a week. I was able to control my diet and was also able to work out efficiently. Although I had snack cravings in the first week but from 2nd week everything was on track. No food cravings, no overeating and effective workout. Combining the supplement with a healthy lifestyle and effective workout has given me positive results.”
- SEBASTIAN (Nelson, New Zealand)
“I was depressed in my life due to some personal problems and due to this I gained so much weight. My stress, unhealthy life-style became the reason for my excessive weight. I was an athlete but since the time I gained weight my downfall started. I realized one day that I cannot ruin my entire life and started working on improving myself. I started working out along with dieting and a healthy lifestyle but it didn’t make much difference. I then combined all of these with instant knockout tablets and I saw effective results. So, I am happy with this product.”
- FREYA (Wellington, New Zealand)
“I used many weight loss supplements and wasn’t much happy with the results but since the time I started using this supplement I have started seeing the results in just 2 weeks. When I started taking this supplement I found it was very potent and I had difficulty in sleeping but later I was used to it. I realized that I was able to work out harder at the gym and had so much energy to do any kind of workout. I am glad that I tried this supplement and within 3 months I was able to reach my goal of getting back into shape.”
Top 5 reasons to try:
- It helps you in burning fat like professionals by giving you faster results.
- It helps you to get rid of the stubborn fat.
- It is very easy to take this supplement. Just take one tablet 4 times a day.
- The ingredients are of high quality and all the ingredients used are natural.
- The quality of the supplement is too high but the price isn’t too high.
What is the Price of Instant Knockout in New Zealand?
Quantity | Offer Price | Bonus Gifts |
1 Bottle: | $59.00 | – |
2 Bottles: | $118.00 | Free Delivery in the US and UK. |
Buy 3 Bottles + Get 1 FREE: | $185.00 | 1 Free Bottle + Free Delivery Worldwide + Money Back Guarantee. |
*Instant Knockout h New Zealand Shipping Note: Free Express Shipping facilities are available in the following cities namely, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Hamilton, Tauranga, Napier-Hastings, Dunedin, Palmerston, and Nelson. While the rest of the other cities may take additional 2-7 days extra time.
The Instant Knockout supplement is the fat burning secret of pro boxers and MMA fighters which is a cutting edge formula with very powerful ingredients. The product takes a hard-hitting triple approach towards burning fat by boosting the natural metabolism of the body, reducing hunger cravings and increasing energy levels. It makes losing your unwanted fats easier by burning your fat and giving you a defined shape.
Supplement | Instant knockout |
category | Weight loss |
What does it do? | It helps in losing excess weight fast. |
How does it work? | It increases your metabolism and gives you the power to erase the stubborn fat. |
Ingredients | Green tea extract, cayenne pepper seeds, piperine etc. |
Benefits | It eliminates stubborn fat, reduces cholesterol levels, gives you a feeling of satiation and increases your energy. |
Warning | Do not take more than the recommended dose |
Side-effects | It does not have any side-effects |
Will it work for you? | Yes! it will work for you |
Does it offer discreet shipping? | Yes! it offers discreet shipping and 256 bit security on any order. |
Where to Buy Instant Knockout in New Zealand? | Visit Instant Knockout Official Website. |

Jeff has crafted his mission of helping one million people to do yoga and exercises properly. He is planning to launch a YouTube channel soon and would love to coach worldwide men and women for free. He loves online networking. He has a dream to visit India and learn yoga from one of his favourite yoga teachers in Rishikesh.